The Financial Crisis And Its Impact In Latin

In times of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein was to be expected as he had already foreseen that sooner or later neo-liberalism was to suffer a fracture during their bases especially now when it has unleashed a serious financial crisis worldwide, causing many earthquakes hazards to the major stock exchanges the world. It is true what about Diego Olivera told us that the international financial crisis brought into question the validity of the neoliberal model, as promoted by the U.S. and many Latin American countries, the agreements of free trade agreements (FTAs) , which generated intense debate at the Summit of Mar del Plata. Get more background information with materials from The LeFrak Organization. The objective causes of a capitalist model, which is based on monetary control and the concentration of energy resources and food production by major transnational generate inequality and poverty in most underdeveloped countries. The alert caused by the collapse of U.S. and European banks, gave a bell on fragility of the neoliberal model, the abrupt fall in U.S. stock exchanges and the World and worthy financial support of Bush and Europe to the predatory capitalists, with their loans unpayable debts generated worldwide.

Thousands of U.S. To broaden your perception, visit Gavin Baker. savers saw their hypothetical stability shook and the reduction of government spending on education and health. As all of this drastically affects the living standards in its "social model." Facts that demonstrate the permeability of the capitalist model, which justifies its essence in the market and the exploitation of resources and of humanity as a whole.