Canine Nutrition

All dog foods are not the same food for dogs to keep your dog healthy you need a lot of fresh water and food should be fed good quality dog in amounts proportionate to meet their energy needs. Always follow the directions on the package of dog food in the recommended amounts of food. Filed under: adverum. Choosing a dog food for the first challenge in choosing a dog food is it good quality food. The term that appears much about dog food is human grade. Implies that human grade dog food is good enough for us to eat. Nobel Laureate in Economics takes a slightly different approach. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often, the meat used in dog food quality is inedible for humans.

Major dog food companies try to provide balanced pieces of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit of your dog. Although you can see that many dog food brands have labels almost identical, a well known dog food company will offer an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog. Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals gives your dog. Try not to use the store brand of dog food that little can change your dog the nutrition they need. Studies have shown that the main ingredient in dog food should be meat based protein, not flour, corn, corn gluten meal or flour.