Therapeutic Mud

The therapeutic effect of mud being studied for a long time, but finally it has not yet been solved. Nevertheless, the accumulated scientific data allow some idea of the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of mud on a patient. Firmly established that mud packs have a complex impact on the basic body functions (circulation, respiration, metabolism, release, etc.). We have irrefutable evidence that the mud alter these functions through a set of thermal, chemical, mechanical, biotonicheskih, electrical, its properties, and each impact mud interrelated and comprise simultaneously or sequentially various functional systems. The action of mud therapy largely depends on the reactivity of the organism and methods of application of mud treatments.

Sufficiently well known that under the influence of mud treatments improves coronary blood flow, changing myocardial contractility and peripheral resistance. Therapeutic mud increases blood circulation in the arterioles, capillaries. Even rheumatic mitral lesion valve and transferred myocarditis is not an obstacle to the use of mud in a strict dosage. Patients with hypertension tended to be reduced blood pressure levels. True, during the admission procedures, frequent pulse and breathing, increased blood pressure, which then decreases, increased sweating, increased urinary function. The question naturally arises, how made these changes? A.

scientist believed that the effect of sucking mud due to its individual particles, and above all, sulfuric acid, amine base, iodine, iron sulfate and micronutrients. Under the influence of local application of mud treatments are improving regenerative processes in bone, found reconstructive phase of bone regeneration until the complete transformation of bone structures. Significant changes under the influence of mud therapy developed in the main digestive glands: decreased gastric acidity and content of hydrochloric acid in it, slowing the evacuation of gastric contents. Significant role in the development and course of these changes is the autonomic nervous system. Developing under the influence of mud therapy of neuro-reflex processes lead to sweating, which in body devote a significant proportion of chlorides. Mud treatment enhances protective and compensatory processes aimed against the disease. It has a significant effect on the regulation and recovery disturbed body functions that underlie the practical recovery. Changes occurring in the body under the influence of mud therapy, constitute an act of adaptation of the patient to a new external environment. Developing neurohumoral regulation in the mud helps to restore damaged illness right relationship of external and internal environment.