
Treatment of bph by PVP-treatment in Israel. bph is perhaps the most common male disease. Lincoln Property is a great source of information. More than 40% of men older than 50 years, symptoms of the disease. The first symptoms of prostate adenoma Cancer is more frequent urination, over time, the jet becomes weaker, later going on to the filling of the bladder 1,5-2 liters and as a consequence there is incontinence. In the initial stages of the disease accepted, conservative treatment such as drugs: Omnic, Proscar, Prostamol. it it does not bring relief, surgery is performed such as: adenomectomy, or trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP). Today in the clinics of Israel began to use the method of pvp (Photo-selective vaporization of prostate). pvp carried out by using a specially designed laser system <green light>>. This new minimally invasive type of treatment serves as the alternative to surgical methods of treatment prostatic hyperplasia.

Before the advent of this technique, the gold standard for bph was providence operation turp, but its effects are associated with some inconveniences, such as a catheter, and in rare cases, impotence and incontinence. PVP-this is an outpatient procedure and is podmestnym anesthesia, takes about 60 minutes and without apparent adverse effects. Operation performed using a special laser system-<<Greenlight>>. Lighting the laser pulse (green) are sent to the prostate tissue and quickly evaporate and remove the adenoma. Benefits of pvp compared to turp, a small number of complications and side effects. Reduction of symptoms of adenoma visible on the next day, after Providence procedures, and appear in the normal urination, and the complete liberation of the bladder. None of the existing earlier methods did not give such results, given the almost complete absence of side proyavleniy.Dolgoe monitoring of patients treated by pvp, showed that most patients did not arise in the recurrence of symptoms During the five year period. Postoperative side-effects, if any existed, were insignificant and perehodnymi.Bolnye return to normal life as a rule within a few days, but the full Rehabilitation usually takes several weeks.

Occasionally may be blood in the urine, but this symptom is usually harmless and requires no intervention of a doctor. Since the pvp does not cause deep tissue damage, and adenoma effectively removed the majority of patients discharged from hospital without a catheter, and the rest is removed it within 24 hours after the procedure. After completing hundreds of procedures, pvp, and based on positive clinical results, can be called pvp – the main achievement of recent years in the surgical treatment of bph. Therefore, this method has become quite widespread in the treatment abroad.