The Valencia North Station, designed by D. Ribes in 1906, the main example, Valencia stations. It is mainly modern and should not be defined as national or regional despite containing some typical elements of the area, but they are a “garment” which smooths external rather geometrization, the schematic and functionality of this building that could define itself as a railway architecture, with a completely classic pattern with very few concessions to the loss of that utilitarianism own railway station. Use the pattern typical of a U-terminus, comprising a central body and two side enclosed and protected space of tracks and platforms, ship it was protected by a large arched metal roof formed rivets, following a tradition close enough still started in the Universal Exhibition of 1855 and 1867, a tradition that was evolving and taking other excellent examples like the Gallery of Machines Exhibition Paris, 1878 (armor Dion) or as in the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889. An example would be much closer to Madrid Atocha station used by the De Dion system. This great engineering work, led by engineer E. Grasset and workshops held in Madrid located at Avenida de Valladolid street or highway before Pardo, filled with admiration for Valencia.
“This deck was built by the reputable house in Madrid E. Grasset and Co., the work which amounts to the respectable figure of 800,000 pts … This consists not only in the construction of the great central truss deck or on platforms and route (196 meters long and 45 meters wide, with a total weight of 750 tons) but also the placement of cover material and corrugated glass.