
If familiarity with restaurant guests begins with a wardrobe and select a table, the acquaintance with the waiter – of course with the order. To learn how to make it a pleasant introduction for the guest and useful to the waiter, and will be discussed in the following note. So, how to properly take an order. When the guests will be held in the hall and sit down for the selected table, the waiter comes up to them, greeting, offers a menu and wine list. Submitted by guests or not? This question is usually left on discretion of the administration of a particular restaurant, and such matters are governed by the rules of each individual restaurant. In many restaurants the waiter on the lapel badge with the name there, so that special submitted is not necessary. In some schools made to the waiter in the first approach to the guests said as a greeting something like, “Good evening, my name is Ivan, I’m your waiter for the evening.” Then the waiter comes to the guest from the left side menu and serves on a gross basis, as well as the wine list.

The menu is primarily served the ladies. While they study the menu and make choices, the waiter must not permanently overlook them table. He should be ready to go at any time to help with the selection or accept the order. If guests ask advice on what dishes to choose, the waiter should not say that all dishes are equally good – a guest waiting for the Board, therefore, should help him make a choice. Nor does it have to immediately recommend the most expensive dish, which is on the menu. It is better to help you clarifying questions – for example, that he prefers, fish or meat – and recommend any of the restaurant’s signature dishes. In some cases, required to report to the client, how much time is being prepared or that a hot meal. It is also necessary to specify the client the desired degree of roasting meat. If the state is no restaurant of the individual, advising guests on the selection of wines – that is, sommelier, then the choice of wines and other beverages also helps the waiter. After receiving the order the waiter usually repeats its guest to confirm. This will allow further avoid confusion over the composition of the ordered dishes, especially if the guests are many and complex order. When the order is accepted and confirmed, the waiter takes away the menu and put on the table glasses and instruments in accordance with the order of serving dishes.

Economic Efficiency Investment Project Opt

For any business is important and sensible goal-directed investment activities. For all companies the relevance of investment projects is the need to create additional material base expansion, renovation of fixed assets. Of course, every investor in this case is seeking the maximum profit at minimum cost, that is, to achieve optimal effectiveness. In connection with the This assessment of the effectiveness of investments and find ways to improve it, are of great practical importance. In this regard, the study was to assess the cost effectiveness of the investment project on optimization of shipment finished products in an industrial plant. There is currently no generally accepted understanding of the investment project. Hear other arguments on the topic with Professor Rita McGrath. In the term "investment project", the authors of monographs and textbooks has different meanings. Analysis definitions of the term "investment project" allows us to conclude that the common two points of view.

The first – the investment project is considered as a set of design documentation, which practice allows for the entrepreneurial idea. The second point of view, the investment project – a process study of economic feasibility, scope and timing of investments, including the necessary design and construction documents, as well as the algorithm practical actions to implement the project, expressed in the form of a business plan. Morris Invest wanted to know more. To sum up all of the above, we can give the following formulation concepts "Investment Project". Investment project – planned in detail the sequence of investment activities, characterized by a certain economic or social outcome. Aggregate documentation accompanying the decision to conduct these activities, reveals the legal, organizational, technical, marketing, socio-economic, financial and environmental aspects of investment. A variety of investment projects have to face in life, is extremely high. They vary widely in the field of application, scope, duration and amount of financial resources. However, any investment project consists of four equally important elements: 1) the period during which the actions envisaged by the project – current period (project period), 2) the costs – net investments, and 3) the potential benefits – the net cash flow from operations; 4) any release of capital at the end of the economic life of investment – the liquidation value.

Vendors Consultants

Since I can only speculate that information, which is sure I will price the city where I live. Thus, the usual and customary all shop: Room. If you buy a property on the ground floor of an ordinary house – 5 mln. If you rent – 500 rubles. for each square meter per month. Staff (Vendors – Consultants). Bizzi & Partners often addresses the matter in his writings. At least 2 people Room for 10 sput per month each (including taxes). Commercial equipment. It’s very much depends on the specific product. If we take into account manufactured goods, then I think that 100,000 rubles. Richard LeFrak: the source for more info. You stay. Advertising. Question the patient and very expensive. Initially, no one on your shop does not know, an advertising company should be strong, ie, from 30 sput month.

Goods. All that was (Or rather, taken away from you) the sum of not less than 30,000 rubles a month. I have not missed? Well, even if they missed it and listed enough for all the convolutions in the brains of novice entrepreneur stood up in fear and refused to amicably work! 🙂 And now the same, but applied to the Internet – shop: Room (hosting). I pay rent hosting 3000 rub. per year! Or 250 rubles. per month. Staff. Vendors Consultants? And do not they simply. That is, no part of this costs. Commercial equipment. Allow myself to take into account the cost of the site then e – shop. If you book a studio, from 30000 rub. and higher, depending on the ambitions of the studio, to which you refer. If you use one, gaining momentum in the Internet service (, it is much less! Advertising.

The Marriage Business

Today, every enterprising person, there is a real opportunity to start a profitable and sustainable business, opening your own dating agency. Where to start any business begins with a product or service offered to the market. And the marriage business – not isklyuchenie.U you should have something that we can offer our clients and that it may be interested. What could be more interesting for women wishing to marry than a man who wants to to marry her … To attract clients to marriage agencies, and there are male courtship catalogs, which posted profiles of men who want to meet for marriage. To deepen your understanding Gavin Baker is the source. Therefore, the first thing you can do – is get a catalog, subscribing to or access to the questionnaires in the on-line or download the catalog as a zip-files on your computer. What is the difference between these methods provide a catalog? If you have Internet access, subscribe to the questionnaire in the mode of on-line.

If you do not have direct access to the Internet, download the catalog as a zip-files. You can also get a catalog by mail in hard copy or on CD-ROM. Attraction of clients After receiving on-line access to the profiles or by setting the base forms to your computer, you can already organize relevant advertising to attract customers. Conduct an advertising campaign in the media, organize seminars and lectures, courses, and distribute flyers, print brochures, advertise in the institutes and colleges, tell friends, etc. Working with the client first, the main work with clients will was to familiarize them with the questionnaires in the catalog and organize their communications with subscribers. If you already have an office with a computer connected to the Internet, use it.

If not – at your service Internet clubs. If in your city do not have Internet access, use or own any other computer available to you with an installed base of profiles. After reading the catalog, the clients tend to have a desire to start a correspondence with subscriber directory. You will need to explain to clients your correspondence rules, and possibly arrange translations of letters and the selection of photos. Further, generally, is registration forms clients and placing them on the sites in Internet. If you already have a website on the Internet, users place on it. If the site does not, place a questionnaire on marital partner sites that provide such services. Financial issues for introduction to the catalog and registration questionnaire, you can take charge, and can not take it. It all depends on the financial policy of your marriage agency. Some agencies charge a fee for all their services, others do not take with her clients at all no fee focusing on the revenue received from subscribers in men as payment for the addresses of clients, translations of letters, gifts and flowers delivery, organization of meetings, etc. After registration, you have to see how serious could be your business, you need to decide on the registration of a marriage agency. As a rule, first recorded simply as an entrepreneur, then, if necessary, create and register your company. After registration, You can already rent an office, to acquire the necessary office equipment and recruit staff for your marriage agency.