Florida Real Estate Market

The real estate market of the Florida, that was one of the epicenters of the American real estate crisis, is what it all presents better signals of recovery of the country. Great part of this recovery is related the foreign purchasers and of these, good part is composed for Brazilian investors. Miami, Orlando and its regions, had always attracted thousand of Brazilian tourists, but the recent valuation of the Brazilian currency, the reduction of value of the American dollar, the high prices of the property in Brazil and the strong fall of the prices in U.S.A. (that the platforms had arrived daily pay-bubble), everything this in set, never created a seen condition previously, of the Brazilian investor to make excellent acquisitions of houses, apartments and until commercial property in the Florida. Beyond the pointed factors above, it is important to stand out the easiness and tranquility of the process of purchase of a property in the United States? perhaps the main ingredient of this recent success.

Napchan landmarks, real estate broker in Miami, that works in Immovable the Florida service (www.floridaimovel.com) a vestibule for Brazilians who think about buying in the Florida, comments: ‘ ‘ Some to the foreign purchaser does not exist restriction, all enjoys of the same rights, as they were Americanos’ ‘. Carlos Eduardo Hisses, also of the Immovable, complete Flrida: ‘ ‘ Although nothing to substitute the visit to the property, good party to suit can be lead long-distance ‘ ‘. Until the home loans it can be offered the foreigners? this can be another catalyzer of sales for Brazilians, mainly on account of the practiced minimum interests in the United States. The financial institutions that work with offer of home loans the foreigners, are, normally, financing 60% of the total value of the property, amortizing the balance in 15, 25 or 30 years. Although some institutions to facilitate to the point to accept payments originated in Brazil, the great majority still require that good part of the deep ones is in an American banking account? with, at least, the balance for payment of 6 months of the installments of the financing. The purchase process, normally, can last of two the three weeks? this if the payment will be at sight.

In case that the purchase is financed, this period can go up for 60 days. ‘ ‘ In the case of properties in situation of banking daily pay-liquidation (shorts sale) the stated periods could be more extensive, therefore the appreciations and approvals of the bank depend on envolvido’ ‘ , Napchan comments. Already exist many instruments to facilitate this process, services as the Immovable Flrida, presents until the search possibility online of properties? beyond prominences of condominiums, spreadings of photos and videos. The buying potential the conditions have all to base good part of its same decision before embarking for Miami.