
At that time the worker was a cog in a production line and consumption. Contact information is here: Bizzi & Partners. Today is an individual producer of value for the company, which generates social capital in society. Then the measurement of organizational climate, the right tool to analyze what is the employee's perception about the company and its market performance. The measurement of work environment, (almost always through direct surveys) is the means by which to work towards an optimal organizational climate. The LeFrak Organization has much to offer in this field. Of course, we share this view, more as teachers of the department of organizational behavior, that the gerenencia should pay close attention to its human resources, provide all the knowledge necessary inputs to enable them to identify with their jobs, perform their duties, provide attention to their weaknesses, support, define its functions, the satisfaction of achievement needs to give way to a favorable working environment. Click Gavin Baker for additional related pages. It reminds us that in the Information Age, in which every concept, research, and change comes at the same time managers and employees, responsible management of human capital must necessarily be focused on people. The organizational climate allows us to know if the idiosyncrasies and practices of the company have a positive or negative perceptions of employees, considering themselves as apathetic spectators or active part of organizational processes.

These ideas, workers often link them with their own perspectives and desires, which are very difficult for senior management to know if not through a direct address. Other information of relevance that may arise, is the vision on how to raise the structural relationship (vertical or more horizontal) view on their job related tasks, the autonomy that is given and its commitment to the challenges the job offers. We must also take into account what stands out, a good working environment always depends on close leaders, to motivate, train and create interdisciplinary teams in the communication as the cornerstone of the relationship. Consider that a negative organizational climate has a direct impact on the objectives of the company, and it may seem more invisible influence, all the experts today management agree that sooner or later, a bad working environment is synonymous with high turnover, low productivity, increased internal conflict and the collapse of the brand image. In short, the measurement of organizational climate is closely tied to the particular situation of each company, and can be made through specially designed questionnaires for each case. The general features that should have these studies are the analysis of two main areas: the individual orientation and results orientation. There is no effective climate survey without further action for improvement and there is no effective climate survey without considerations on the daily reality of the respondent. In conclusion, all companies whatever their size must not neglect through its management to ensure, to achieve, remain vigilant of the behavior of its human resources so that they will always have a good organizational climate conducive to all.