Different Types Of Chimneys

In this article I’ll introduce you to the different types of chimney flues, materials and technological solutions. The main purpose is to remove the chimney into the atmosphere of the combustion products. Chimney creates traction under the influence of which is formed in the furnace air, which is required for combustion of fuel, and gases are removed from the furnace smoke. The chimney should create conditions for complete combustion and excellent traction. And yet it must be reliable and durable, easy to install and durable. And for this to choose a good chimney is not as easy as it seems. Morris Invest shines more light on the discussion. How would absolutely not been constructed chimney, the accuracy and durability of his work depends primarily on quality of installation and profesiolizma potters.

The first step is to determine where the chimney will be erected. Do not place it at the outer wall of the house as the chimney can freeze. If you do not fulfill this caution in the winter of fireplace or stove will always go the cold air draft is insufficient, and the procedure for firing the stove, you will ruin a lot of nerves. The unit should carry out the chimney from the bottom up. Each The following piece should fit the chimney to enter the previous one, otherwise, condensation in the chimney or falling precipitation will fall on the heater.

Hood chimney mount so that the inner layer of the chimney did not fell. When the device through the chimney walls and ceilings, use fire-resistant pipes. And besides all this, the chimney must not touch home communications. The best cross-sectional shape is round the chimney. Selected shape of the section must be followed throughout the chimney, as the twists and restrictions can greatly affect the quality of tyagi.Kak right and what materials you will make a chimney, will directly depend safety and quality of all your heating sistemy.Dymohody differ in design and materials of which they consider izgotovleny.Nizhe some chimneys.

Proplex Apartment

Cosmetic housing repairs should start with demolition action. Remove old wallpaper, old flooring, laminate or carpet, cover the ceiling tiles in the bathroom and more. On the floor in an apartment you can put laminate or engineered wood. Cool laminate can lie to fifty years. Before you lay the floor covering, take care of their own comfort, and if you have the desire and opportunity, can place a part of recently fashionable floor heating. Above his head it is best to place the suspended ceiling.

Such a ceiling has several advantages compared with classical ceilings, say on a site with tips on renovation. Stretch ceiling does not burn, does not pours, does not split and does not require special care. Obsolete frame made of wood should be replaced with plastic windows. Take the service window installation – this will save during the repair. Very good material for plastic windows make the company Proplex and Rehau. If at your window is dirty, dusty avenue, or in winter you freeze in the apartment, we can recommend a box with 2-chamber glass, which has good sound insulation keeps the heat. Mull over and analyze the different variations of the look of your favorite apartments. You can install a Jacuzzi bath for the jacuzzi. Be sure to treat the directories, photo finished apartments and write for themselves the most liked, that's coming renovated apartment will help you achieve the perfect solution to your liking. Many repairs before turning to his own apartment professionals for advice – you can also use this board to help find a solution to a fresh design kitchen design, bathroom, hallway and bedrooms. Pay special attention to study of reference materials, if you're going to start a redesign – redesign rather cumbersome process for the realization of which is required to collect a large number of different resolutions and approvals, otherwise you may run into the penalty.

Modern Furniture Products

In the furniture industry has its own trends and patterns of development. To date, manufacturers offer a huge number of conceptually new furniture. It is also possible the manufacture of furniture in order to necessary parameters. When selecting furniture for your office or home buyer is faced with concepts such as a mobile, modular, integrated, furniture, bio-furniture, upholstered, wicker furniture. Mobile furniture could change its functionality, is equipped with wheels, its easy to move. Go to the mobile furniture include folding chairs, sofas, tables. For example, the tables have several kinds of transformation: the height adjustable legs, changes the size of countertops, a complete transformation. Modular furniture is original designer.

It consists of interchangeable modules that can be composed with each other. The modules can have different width, height, depth, and their uses diverse, cabinets, desks, tables and beds. Wardrobe, closet – a vivid example of modular furniture. By the modular design can also include soft furnishings, whose form varies with ottoman, banketok and pillows. Undoubtedly, modular furniture has several advantages, since it has many features. With it you can pick up items for the entrance hall, lounge, children's rooms, bedrooms, a single harmonious space and unique atmosphere in the interior. Manufacturers also produce custom-made modules, which allows adjustment of the elements of modular furniture in place.

Built-in furniture, as opposed to cabinet, has no case. All load-bearing elements (top, bottom plates, side panels) mounted additional fasteners to the floor, ceiling and walls. Furniture consists of rigid parts made in the form of housing. To her include walls, shelves, racks, lockers, cabinets and cupboards. The main material of construction for cabinet furniture – it's solid wood (oak, walnut, birch, hornbeam, oak, pine), chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, plywood, glass, metal, plastic. Depending on the performance style of furniture can dominate a particular material. The basis of the classical style – definitely a tree, high-tech style – metal, glass, plastic. Recently, the increasing popularity won an easy, convenient wicker furniture. She is strong, light, elegant look. The main material for the production of woven products is a vine, liana (mimbra, rattan), willow branches. These materials after manufacture of the product, usually treated with varnish. The strength of wicker furniture depends on the quantity and quality of joints. Despite the large number of joints with wicker furniture from a vine high moisture resistance. Rattan, usually has a butt, and All elements are mounted pins. In the traditional sense of upholstered furniture – a set of two chairs and a sofa. To her also include couches, ottomans, sofas, corner sofas, ottomans. Modern collection combines various elements that can used together or separately. The range of finished products is huge, but if you want an exclusive furniture, you can make it to order. Increasingly, manufacturers are using only natural materials for production of so-called bio-furniture. In the manufacture of products used rattan, wicker, wood, wool, linen, leather, Manila hemp, rapeseed and cotton tapes, algae, feather, feathers. The main purpose of furniture, whether it modular, mobile, integrated, case, a soft, woven, organic furniture, to create comfort and convenience, combined with the convenience of the effect of work and leisure.

Roman Marble

Any owner of your own home or cottage do not want to live in a faceless concrete or brick box. In addition, because everyone has the desire to housing is not only interior decoration and interior design expresses individuality hosts, but apparently it was different from other houses. Front decoration is a key element in the appearance of your home. Facade decoration can be made from different materials: it is plastic, and stone and wood, and other natural and artificial materials. But the finish is exquisite facade of marble. Another ancient Greek and Roman sculptors used marble to create his masterpieces. Marble is not only compares favorably with other stones gorgeous and unique appearance, but also the incredible strength, reliability and durability. Marble is not the same.

You probably have noticed that there is a marble in different colors. It all depends on whether public mined regions of the stone. Some types of marble are quite popular and easy to find on the market for a reasonable price. Some of the same species, for example, black or pink marble, quite unique. If you want to decorate the facade of the house just such a marble, be ready to fork out. But your house will be a unique work of art. In any case, depending on whether you choose to furnish artificial stone facade or elegant marble, will depend on your mood and attitude of others to your home.

Marble can also be used not only for the facades of houses and cottages. This stone is often adorns the building theaters, and other cultural, or monumental institutions, palaces. Marble products in the house – a sign of luxury and prosperity of the host. Suffice it to recall the beautiful, unique palaces of marble in the East.

Plastic Windows

Plastic windows can not skip the flat cold. In fact, there is absolutely warm ups, but modern plastic windows several times more efficiently saving heat and have good sealing system. Windows PVC muffle all the noise from the street. It is not.

Low-frequency noise (noise of the tram traffic rumble, kick a jackhammer) strongly attenuated plastic windows, but it still sounds from outside are heard.The best PVC windows, filled with argon. This is a fallacy – a publicity stunt. The difference between the physical characteristics of a real gas and ideal is a fraction of a percent. New windows have absolute integrity. Add to your understanding with Nobel Laureate.

On Indeed, sealed plastic boxes is the ability to not pass air. Without the special seal (being covered with construction sealant) windows will still pass air. The thicker windows, the better. The optimal distance between the plates is 10-16 mm. A further increase will not lead to significant improvements in thermal characteristics (but would increase the cost) Inside the glass created a vacuum. If there really was a vacuum, the glass would just burst. In order to better glass pressed against the frame, it creates a kind of depression. The thickness of the profile and number of cameras improves characteristics of the window. In actually increase the thickness profile and its complexity – is meaningless, because its thermal resistance and so more than the glass. Harmful to the health profiles with lead additives. There are certificates which indicate that the profiles are suitable for applications in housing construction and completely harmless to human health. New windows should cost from $ 50 per square meter. If a person decided to buy PVC windows in Minsk, Kiev, Moscow or another city must understand that the quality production of the window can not be cheaper old wood.

Interior Furniture

Clean under the bed If the quality of cleaning in the closet not appreciate all the guests, then look under the bed can be one. Several beds have special Orghotel support, which allows staff to easily and efficiently carry out wet cleaning under the bed. The main components of a successful hotel, boarding house, nursing home and other institutions of this nature are interior, quality service, staff. The main component of the hotel interior design – furniture for hotels. Hotel furniture is an indicator of prestige. Hotel furniture must combine quality, comfort and style. Blends harmoniously into the interior of hotel furniture, furniture for the room including the intended to ensure a comfortable stay of visitors at the hotel. Others including Growth Strategy Expert, offer their opinions as well.

Furniture for interior forms a generally strong opinion about the hotel in general, and that is undeniable. Interior and furniture for hotels, as its component, the first thing that draws the attention of the visitor. Any hotel in the first place, is interested to make a winning impression on the visitor, make every effort to come back again. Rational selection of furniture for hotels, furniture numbers for ease this task. It is clear that the errors in the selection of furniture for hotels simply unacceptable.

Company Orghotel – a professional in the field of designing and manufacturing furniture, believes that the selection of furniture for hotels require special thoroughness. Detail in the process of selection of furniture for hotels, furniture for rooms can not be, it is important to take into account every detail, and all details should be in harmony with each other and form a complete picture of the stylish interior. Rest assured, all the effort pays off triple. Of course, to achieve the perfect result is reasonable to ask for help in the selection of furniture for hotels, rooms of furniture for a reliable supplier. The most optimal solution would be to cooperate with a direct manufacturer of furniture for hotels. Company Orghotel – your best partner in the selection of furniture for hotels. Nice atmosphere, created thanks to a comfortable and stylish furniture for hotels, furniture for the rooms, in particular, a constant value. In addition, an attractive appearance and quality furniture for hotels – a mandatory requirement for a high-level hotels. Furniture Hotels – original card institutions. Furniture for resorts, guest houses furniture, furniture for the rooms is designed to give comfort and create a pleasant atmosphere for relaxation. Current models of furniture for hotels able to fully decorate the interior and create a homely atmosphere. Such a comfort to remember always. It must play its role and visitors to return it to you. Hotel Furniture manufactured in accordance with all rules and requirements for quality. Specialists of the company Orghotel are convinced that in addition to decorative, furniture for hotels, resorts, guest houses and holiday homes is also a practical role. In furnishing of such facilities, a special furniture, the design of which incorporates a variety of useful features.

Apartment Renovations

Should start with the far from the entrance to the premises. If you yourself do repairs, then you need to buy a quality bench tools: hammers, screwdrivers, a set of drill bits for wood and concrete, pasatizhi, ruler (tape measure) and etc. Not prevent the existence of drills and grinders. What threatens to breach the rules? For example, in the hallway you have made repairs and proceeded to the bedroom. And now for the laminate construction materials are moved into the bedroom and back course go bags debris. What will happen to the flooring? That's right, he is not.

The first clothes, you try on your apartment, will buckle to the floor. Flat floor – is a necessary condition for a modern renovation. Once filled screed time to think about 'blood vessels' for your creation. These are electricity, air conditioning, water pipes and heating pipes. That pipe, so as to put themselves radiators too early. But the wiring make the most again. It can also be attributed, and sewage pipes.

Caution: the pipe wall in the wall – a bad idea. One never knows an hour, something flows or bursts – will all break. As for the wiring, you only need to wire Plastic Escutcheon install, and distribution boxes, sockets put themselves much later. After laying communications can take the walls – and even plastered. The same procedure must be done and the ceiling. Quickly and accurately align the ceiling and walls will help you Joiners stripping. The windows on the time of plastering work better to close the film. A separate question – the door. Logic dictates that they must be set before will be plastered wall – this will allow putty crack between the frame and the wall. But there is an objection: the door is easily scratched. You can try an interim solution: install the door with a box, and remove the door leaf. Paint the ceiling (or finish it any other way), gruntuem wall. Paint them or glue wallpaper – you decide. Now you can put sockets, switches, hanging chandeliers and sconces. We can now proceed to a floor covering. What is it will – you decide. Linoleum, laminate, carpet, tile, flooring – there is plenty to choose from. It should be noted that there are things incongruous. For example, a warm floor is not combined with parquet flooring and carpeting will be out of place in the bathroom. After flooring is laid, fasten the skirting boards. Choose a plastic or wooden baseboards – it's as you like. If plastic, it is desirable to get a plinth with cable channel to put in its television and computer cables. After that, turn on the vacuum cleaner and thoroughly Vacuum-cleaning the room.

The Walls In The Bedroom. Decorating And Design

In the old days was considered a front bedroom accommodation. Notable dignitaries and members of the imperial family was invited to the bedchamber to the morning toilet of their favorites, and sometimes unfamiliar people. Such an invitation to serve a sign that fortune he smiled broadly. Times have changed. Today, a bedroom is the most intimate place in the apartment. In the bedroom walls creates a special sense that allows you to tune in to the rest, meditation, and love. Especially becomes important to the creative design of these "sleeping" walls. Environmentally friendly properties, of course, the walls in the bedroom where we spend a third of his life, from whatever material they were made, should be environmentally safe.

Aesthetics of sleep and wake you always want in an intimate setting, so every evening and every morning in any light color and pattern of the walls should be pleasant to the eye. Reliability and durability of the material It is unlikely that you will enjoy falling asleep, looking at scratches and dents on the walls. If you do not plan to make repairs in the bedroom more often than once a year, pay special attention to the durability of finishing materials (design bedroom photo). Easy to care for even the most accurate hosts occasionally cases of force majeure – a mosquito, squashed on the wall, got on the wall of the drop from the cup of coffee … All this can ruin not only the appearance of walls, but also the mood.

Crimea House Building

In recent years, the peninsula is a boom in the construction of the so-called "green" housing. According to analysts suburban real estate market today is actively growing demand for modern wood houses, that build in the foothills and ecologically clean areas of the Crimea. And willing to acquire building plots not only locals but also Ukrainians, Russians and citizens of other countries. They are attracted by the opportunity purchase a house in one of the most scenic and unspoiled parts of the world and invest money in the suburban real estate. Stephen M. Ross insists that this is the case. Increasingly there is a tendency to build settlements, implemented in a single architectural concept, which has its own individual "microclimate". Infrastructure cottages requires a centralized communications: water supply, gas, electricity, stand-alone sewer system. On the territory of campuses provide accommodation stores, playgrounds and other social facilities. Today, these houses are built on unique technology, "Half-timbered houses, which have long been used in European countries. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bizzi & Partners.

Her feature is that the cottage is made of a wooden frame with the maximum number of openings, which are used to finish building glass, wood, stone, brick. This design allows most open panoramic view of mountains and forest, and structure themselves to fit perfectly in the Crimean landscape. Experts note that the demand for housing in the cottage is also connected with the development of green tourism in Ukraine. In particularly in the Crimea are wooden "natural building" according to the experts focus primarily on people who prefer to relax away from the city noise..


So you've picked up a chandelier to your liking, do not forget to take into account with all the necessary requirements (characteristics of the premises, technical features chandeliers). Now you only have to hang a chandelier on the ceiling. To hang chandelier you will need: pliers screwdriver voltage tester adhesive tape knife ladder assembly chandelier place in several stages. First of all you must turn off the total food on the counter in the apartment hallway any machine on the counter. Be sure to check the absence of tension with a screwdriver indicator. Further mounted attachment point chandeliers on the ceiling. Ceiling hook on which to hold the chandelier is wrapped insulating tape, checked for strength.

Next Fixture Chandelier is applied to the ceiling and marked the mounting holes. Drill holes in the ceiling, they insert dowels and bolted fasteners. On next phase of work to plan lighting in the room. Think of a switch you will need: one-or dvuhklavishny. As a rule, the hall is set dvuhklavishny switch to illumination in the room could be changed depending on the situation. Make a light in the room brighter or, alternatively, to muffle the lighting, you can use different amounts of time the lamp.

For example, when circuit breaker can burn one or two bulbs, and all three by pressing all the keys. Typically, a 5-carob chandelier combine 2 and 3, the burning lamp or lamps 1 and 4 (vzavismosti on design and on the willingness of the landlord). Then need to combine the wires into groups depending of type of bulb combinations. From each patron leaves on 2 wires. So, if you have a 3-Crow chandelier at the top of the tube comes out six wires, with a 5-Rozhkova chandelier – 10 wires. Consider three ways to connect the wires in the groups: 1) for 3-Rozhkova chandelier: a combination of lamps 1 and 2 (Scheme 1) 2) 5-Rozhkova chandeliers: both tubes 2 and 3 (Scheme 2) 3) 5-Rozhkova chandeliers: both tubes 1 and 4 (Scheme 3) To understand what wire departs from each cartridge in the chandelier, in two ways: either mechanically (by pulling each wire in the tube), or the method of "continuity" (battery with a bulb).