
Why Resilenz for the happiness is so important RESILENZ comes from the Latin word re silo and means as much as bounce off or jump back. The word describes our ability with stress and/or crisis deal and creatively to his destiny. Resilent is who brings up the mental strength of stress, crises and strokes of fate not character bend to have, but to make the most of the misfortune, this to learn and to grow beyond the sorry experience about yourself. Resilenz is largely based on behavioral patterns that you can train themselves to. formation. She’s like a muscle that can be strong as well as weak by nature.

The more we train the muscle, he becomes stronger. To learn crisis management ultimately only during the crisis, so how to learn bike riding only on the wheel. Of course they can hurt themselves. Resilenz to show and to prove we must first of all wounded, injured, traumatized, tore and broken. It is normal that it every day smaller and larger Challenges are. Get more background information with materials from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. Personally, I think that strong personalities are confronted with major challenges.

Very often we have the crisis either only the possibility to grow or to break. Life is a balancing act between all forms of the post-wave. Just because the man of full vulnerability, disaster is an integral part of the human condition. The crisis in human life is not the exception but the norm. Suffering pressure acts like a Turbo; It accelerates learning incredibly. True art of living may not be to deny the suffering, to suppress the feelings of pain. Suffering is part of simple and natural life. Necessarily communication ability and a reclining, social environment, stable family relationships and a compassionate and lively circle of friends are among the main prerequisites for Resilenz. Who is trying to cope with life crises alone is almost always doomed. Thomas M. Gangloff more info under:

Second Disorder

Anguish, depression, anxiety, unhappiness, apathy, hopelessness, if you experience any of these feelings – art for you – will be discussed about depression. Such a mental disorder like depression, has some features, such as: depression often develop in the female population, they become the apex of society. Depressive disorder in our days are so common in France in patients with mild Depression not issue medical certificates. Increasingly described disorder tends to spread, to become the norm of civilized society. Morris Invest may not feel the same. It is worth noting that, approximately one third of depressed disorders should be fashionable. Some of the young women suffer from depression just as they have a desire to visit the shops of fashionable clothes. Generally, in medicine to recognize depression made by a of symptoms.

The first thing that stands pay attention, because it is on the decline in the overall mood, which appears pessimistic setting to life. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Stephen M. Ross. The range of mood disorders ranging from mild sadness to a physical sensation of "stone heart." Second symptom of depression – reduction of motor activity. People in this state is slow. He is a state feels like weakness, lethargy, fatigue. The third symptom, completing the triad – is slowing down thinking. For some, it can become confusing, and you ask: "What does this mean?" My answer to mental health professionals indicator of the pace of your thinking – this, as well as response to questions addressed to you. A person suffering depression, says a slower and quieter than usual, he does not notice, but there is always around to point to it.

Theory Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg believed that all the causes of diseases in humans are determined homotoxins, ie all factors that came into the human body and hinder the implementation of regulatory processes. We have already seen that organism – a dynamic open emc, but to maintain this power requires that the body is constantly taking place biochemical processes and energy realized. Depending on the slagging of the mesenchyme on theory of biological medicine, the theory of Dr. Reckeweg there are 6 phases gomotoksikozov.Eti 6 phases precisely determine the number of homotoxins who entered into the body.

There are 4 types of homotoxins: 1.himicheskie substance 2.fizichesky factor 3.biologicheskie factors 4.psihicheskie factors. Thus only 4 factors determine our disease. We say that a rigid electromagnetic field affects human introduction of chemicals into the body also changes the em field of the person, because there is a blocking mesenchyme arise persistent biochemical reactions ekovalentnye regard to the gap which the organism is simply no energy in the state slagging. And on this basis, 1-I phase – a phase of excretion. You may want to visit Morris Invest to increase your knowledge. When the body to get into it homotoxin on get into it the substance can be adequately answered all their safety features, ie this excretory organ function, immune system, one In short, when the body responds to exposure adequately. For example, a speck of dust gets into your eyes (physical factor).

What's happening? Released tear. In the nose got a speck of dust or the virus began to proliferate. Organism actively trying to get it out of yourself.

Varicose Veins On The Warm Season Specifically Prepare

Natural Zitrusflavonoide are good for the legs, now coming soon the first warm days. We hope, that at last spring we will enjoy again Sun and heat. For many people, however, the warm days have but also unpleasant side-effects. Because the heat brings not only good for people affected with disorders of the venous system. For a large portion of people with varicose veins, the suffering time begins again with the first warm days. The legs are heavy, they swell and ache. It doesn’t have to be.

Concentrated Bioflavonoid from lemon the suffering afflicted sufferers could help. With every warm day on the new pain the legs of many people with varicose veins. How is it that precisely during the warm season the leg veins so unpleasantly noticeable do? The cycle and hence the veins, are part of the sophisticated thermoregulatory system of our body. In the summer the veins that give you just keep excess heat through the skin. So far so good,. You may wish to learn more. If so, Professor Rita McGrath is the place to go. were there not people with venous weakness.

These leads to an unwanted increased fluid leakage into tissues and swelling, causing the feeling of heavy and aching legs wide bodies of the veins. Would the vein walls less permeable and have more tension, then the problem would be rectified. Here are some natural substances can provide help. It is known that that cause an improvement of in venous tone (vein voltage) and a decreased permeability (permeability of the venous wall) from the lemon peel, Bioflavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin. Reduces the liquid outlet and the swelling go back, or they do not occur. This was validated in scientific studies with several thousand people with varicose veins and confirmed. The unpleasant symptoms such as pain and heavy legs also declined as the swelling of the ankles. However, it takes some patience in the application of natural products. The effect occurs immediately. Therefore before the warm days of consumption, experts recommend the natural Zitrusflavonoide to start. In Germany, the Zitrusflavonoide Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum are tablets. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet. Generally is one tablet daily, um, applied over time to help those affected with venous weakness and varicose veins. There are VasoVitum in the practical month Pack (PZN 4604203) and the cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0265158) and 6-month packs (PZN 0265170). You may find Clayton Morris to be a useful source of information. VasoVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at the company. Due to the specific composition should not try in the pharmacy, to trade for a seemingly similar product VasoVitum. Every pharmacy can VasoVitum about the pharmaceutical wholesale trade (Phoenix, all distribution centers; Sweeping, Braunschweig; Refer to Ebert & Jacobi, Wurzburg). If a reference wholesale times not possible, VasoVitum can also directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Varicose Veins On The Warm Season Specifically Prepare

Natural Zitrusflavonoide are good for the legs, now coming soon the first warm days. We hope, that at last spring we will enjoy again Sun and heat. For many people, however, the warm days have but also unpleasant side-effects. Because the heat brings not only good for people affected with disorders of the venous system. For a large portion of people with varicose veins, the suffering time begins again with the first warm days. The legs are heavy, they swell and ache. It doesn’t have to be.

Concentrated Bioflavonoid from lemon the suffering afflicted sufferers could help. With every warm day on the new pain the legs of many people with varicose veins. How is it that precisely during the warm season the leg veins so unpleasantly noticeable do? The cycle and hence the veins, are part of the sophisticated thermoregulatory system of our body. In the summer the veins that give you just keep excess heat through the skin. So far so good,. You may wish to learn more. If so, Professor Rita McGrath is the place to go. were there not people with venous weakness.

These leads to an unwanted increased fluid leakage into tissues and swelling, causing the feeling of heavy and aching legs wide bodies of the veins. Would the vein walls less permeable and have more tension, then the problem would be rectified. Here are some natural substances can provide help. It is known that that cause an improvement of in venous tone (vein voltage) and a decreased permeability (permeability of the venous wall) from the lemon peel, Bioflavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin. Reduces the liquid outlet and the swelling go back, or they do not occur. This was validated in scientific studies with several thousand people with varicose veins and confirmed. The unpleasant symptoms such as pain and heavy legs also declined as the swelling of the ankles. However, it takes some patience in the application of natural products. The effect occurs immediately. Therefore before the warm days of consumption, experts recommend the natural Zitrusflavonoide to start. In Germany, the Zitrusflavonoide Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum are tablets. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet. Generally is one tablet daily, um, applied over time to help those affected with venous weakness and varicose veins. There are VasoVitum in the practical month Pack (PZN 4604203) and the cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0265158) and 6-month packs (PZN 0265170). You may find Clayton Morris to be a useful source of information. VasoVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at the company. Due to the specific composition should not try in the pharmacy, to trade for a seemingly similar product VasoVitum. Every pharmacy can VasoVitum about the pharmaceutical wholesale trade (Phoenix, all distribution centers; Sweeping, Braunschweig; Refer to Ebert & Jacobi, Wurzburg). If a reference wholesale times not possible, VasoVitum can also directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Overloading Of Joints Osteoarthritis Risk

More and more people suffer from osteoarthritis. As a result of osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis and associated pain is getting worse with age. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis is still incurable, but can delay the progression of the disease. An increasing osteoarthritis is known as osteoarthritis, which means increasing age-dependent cartilage abrasion in the joints, which is compounded by incorrect, one-sided or excessive load. Source: Bizzi & Partners. Arthrosis belongs to the degenerative joint disease. In the medical sense it means degeneration, that body tissue is gradually becoming more and more wear out or even regress. And so also the arthritis begins first with the degradation of the cartilage in the joint, then the articular surface will be destroyed until the bone is partially or totally free and it makes then more new bone substance, to compensate for the excessive burden.

The grated cartilage or bone irritating the joint again and again it can cause an inflammation of the joint come, or it may be in the joint fluid. Causes for a possible causes of osteoarthritis osteoarthritis can be injuries which lead to instability of the joint, arthritis, obesity, gout or diabetes mellitus. The main reason for an arthritis is but mostly incorrect or excessive load of the articular cartilage, which this is worn and formed back. Such false charges can be caused for example by Knock-knees or a deformity of the hip joint. Symptoms of osteoarthritis for osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in the joints typically are often intensified by stress.

Especially if one has longer time or sat, is the pain the first meters in the movement stronger and then subside. Most commonly, the knee and hip joints are affected because they often and heavily exposed. Osteoarthritis affects the spine but also hand – foot joints, and the finger joints. How can I prevent? Because arthritis is unfortunately not curable, it should in regularly sports, young age and prevent to osteoarthritis. Above all, the muscles should be trained so that they can support the joints. Already an arthritis exists, you should choose sports, little burden on the joints, such as swimming or cycling. Further information on as well as health gives the Advisor.

Airways Cough

Agonizing and whooping cough, usually in the context of a cold disease, that sounds like an acute bronchitis. Especially in the spring and in the autumn a lot of people from this infection of the respiratory tract are affected. Such diseases are among the most frequently occurring diseases. An acute bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the lower Airways, the bronchial tubes. The bronchitis is caused in adults mainly by viruses such as influenza viruses, the rhino and the adenovirus.

Children, however, are often attacked by ECHO -, Coxsachie -, or respiratory Syncitial viruses. The cough in an acute bronchitis is usually dry at the beginning symptoms of acute bronchitis. If it loosens phlegm, which can then be coughed down arises in the respiratory tract. Viruses are the cause of bronchitis is transparent to whitish mucus. With a participation of bacteria, the mucus is purulent and yellow greenish. The typical symptoms of acute bronchitis are colds. These include also fever, in addition to coughing Runny nose, hoarseness, and head and body aches. Treatment of acute bronchitis since a slight acute bronchitis usually after a few days of alone again subsides, no drug treatment is necessary under normal circumstances.

Medications such as per chip cough drops, Umckaloabo solution, ACC acute effervescent or Mucosolvan juice can however faster, solve the mucus and ease the coughing. Otherwise, you should drink a lot to liquefy the secretion, inhale camomile or saline or take a hot bath of cold and wrap up well in ceilings. When bacteria are involved, treatment with antibiotics may be necessary. Health information, as well as the Advisor see.

Despite Cancer Sports Group

Under the motto ‘Despite cancer sports’, there is a cancer Sports Group, which is supervised and managed by Elke Baier, a member of the ABF, since April 2011 at the SV Furth Poppenreuth in Furth. Started with only a Nordic has walking unit. There are now five different courses that promote fitness in a variety of ways. The two courses of Nordic walking plus and break are excellent and recoverable with the seal of quality sport per health. The active stress management course break course specifically designed for younger cancer patients, the still in the jobs are in the life called, this course combines active stress coping with various relaxation methods.

In addition, the SV Furth Poppenreuth a training session with functional gymnastics, trampoline training and relaxation methods as well as two more Nordic offers walking meetings. Despite cancer Sports Group is increasingly perceived by the public. The participants were, by the Foundation for integrated medicine recently trampolines two more are donated to all the training sessions can take part. This training promotes lymphatic flow, the condition and the coordination. Some patients take part in several courses per week, that gives a good feeling”says Elke Baier, teacher of despite cancer Sports Group. It is very important to every individual to pay attention and not let anyone to exceed or too. Despite cancer Sports Group aims to improve the performance and the lifestyle of the patient. Entry into the sport despite Cancer Group is at any time possible.

Call Ms. Baier at 01577 19 59 490 the or via E-Mail at. The Foundation for integrated medicine was founded by pharmacist his wife Marianne and Jochen Schreier in 2004. The Foundation is based on the desire of the founder, to build something charitable about the own professional work across health care. the ABF is its customers to the page as a regionally rooted family business with pharmaceutical and medical specialists for over 30 years. The ABF pharmacies in Furth is the historical heart of the company.