
New young writers need to be promoted in Germany more! In Germany, young writers have it really hard, repeatedly you are exempt from Buchverlagen, requiring a pressure grant. An Internet portal provides a way of young authors to publish their works. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as The Related Companies by clicking through. Here a good example replaced – the new funny novel by Wallace of the newcomer author Wallace has published his first novel. Wallace is 29 years old and has started only recently, with the writing. His favorite author is Tommy Jaud, who published the books of vacation and full idiot among others. His first book, also has a similar character. For even more analysis, hear from Michael James Burke, London UK. At the end of the page takes you to a free sample. We wish you lots of fun at the reading, and hope that you will support the German author young.

Now to the content of “Replaced” Torsten is really annoyed – by his girlfriend, his boss, his eternal financial difficulties – and would give anything to share with someone. As he by a homeless person from a hot Situation is rescued, he quits his job on the same day. When he wakes up but the next day and his own girlfriend does not recognize him and banished from their residence, he no longer understands the world. Then is there this man who is claiming his father to be dead, although before long. After Torsten must comprehend the unimaginable: he has become a different person. But whether that will make him happy? The story is told from the person. It enables the reader to identify with Torsten and also builds tension, because what is happening is not immediately clear.The frequent dialogues lighten the text and give the characters Authentizitat.Dieser novel could inspire a wider readership! Free sample of EXCHANGED: exchanged ebook/dp/B007GB4PCA/ref = sr_1_1? s = digital-text & ie = UTF8 & qid = 1330732898 & sr = 1-1 much fun at the read Wallace

Luhmann Semantic Technologies

Web 3.0 should Internet users better understand Bassersdorf (Switzerland) / Berlin, April 29, 2009 the company iQser has ambitious goals, which commonly run Web 3.0 under the keyword. It is semantic, to cope with the flood of information by an automatic content analysis. Semantic procedure only a field of experimentation of the scientists have long been, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported and cited the iQser Chief Jorg Wurzer stating: now the semantics has left science. Learn more at this site: Robert J. Shiller. There are many Startpus looking into this\”. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Michael James Burke, London UK. And thus was meant not only the major project of Theseus, that worn especially by big companies.

Companies are facing the challenge of processing a wealth of information that is growing from year to year. The high availability of information in the Internet and more and more users and organizations that are involved in the production of information, contribute to this process\”, tells iQser in a press statement. With a software you wanted all the internal and external information automatically connect. Every document, every E-Mail and every message will associated with projects, tasks, or people. You should no longer look up information, but choose their context and get automatically all information supplied, which belongs to this context. This could be new research reports or news. So, destinations on portals such as Triptivity with the matching user comments from social networks or with travel descriptions could be enriched. A second analysis result gives an overview about what topics in the articles, in which aspects they fan out and what basic facts are conveyed.

The term network that automatically determined in the form of a tree shows the user can use to limit its interest and to make an appropriate selection of articles\”, so iQser. Employees would receive an overview of unstructured information available without having to sift them first. A choice was then to Main interests possible.

Since July 1, Panama Reduces The Corporate Tax Rate

Recently, the President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli has signed a bill to reform the Tax Code of Panama, under which will be taken several measures to reduce the tax burden on companies to ensure the sustainability fiscal and simplified system of taxes and fees. To improve the competitiveness of Panama to the world market, the bill provides for the reduction in corporate tax rate from 30% to 25%, although the time frame in that this reduction will occur, yet to be determined. However, the bill sets higher licensing fees for banks that are residents of Panama. The size of this collection will vary from 75.000 U.S. dollars for banks, total assets exceeding $ 1 million, and will make $ 1 million for banks with assets, the value of which exceeds 2 billion U.S.

dollars. Click Michael James Burke, London UK to learn more. The bill also changes the rate of sales tax from 5% to 7% and establishes a sales tax on landlines and mobile phones with prepaid. Under the bill, snack bars and restaurants do not sell alcoholic beverages shall be exempt from the obligation to pay sales tax. Products for children are also exempt from tax. In addition, for companies operating in the agricultural sector, the limit of tax exemption will be increased from $ 150,000 to $ 250,000, and they will not have to file an income tax return. In general, the bill modernizes the tax code and abolish 30 taxes.

Tax Code will also contain provisions to establish an administrative court, which will deal with complaints on tax matters. Provisions of the bill take effect July 1, 2010. It is worth noting that the legislation in Panama taxation – one of the most liberal. Corporate tax (income tax) depends on the source of revenue. This means that if the income is received from a commercial activity carried out for outside the territory of Panama, this income is not subject to taxation in Panama. This company pays only the annual single tax (Annual Corporate Franchise Tax). The presence of an office in Panama is not sufficient for taxation. Dividends paid out of such income are also exempt from taxation. Thus, these changes will affect the bill is the local companies working with residents of Panama and receiving income in Panama.

Natural Medicine

We’ll talk today of natural medicine to lose weight, fully compatible with diets fat burners we speak continuously, as well as fat burning products. As natural medicine to lose weight, we talked about foods and products that can be found easily and without prescription, either in a pharmacy, a herbalist or simply in the grocery store or market. Natural Medicine to lose weight start because recalling products stars mentioned above, fat burning diets such as the green coffee and the you green. We have already spoken quite them in previous articles, however, as natural weight loss medicine will add the you red, is not exactly a fat burning product, but if we can include it as natural medicine for weight loss. Its properties are rapid elimination of liquids, it has a high capacity diuretic, so fluid retention would be one less problem. It also helps to reduce bad cholesterol and eases digestion, thus without being a fat burning, collaborates in the diet, so we already have our first natural weight loss medicine. We continue with the artichoke, another great food I think is known by many, and has many medicinal properties.

Its acids also reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Also, these same acids serve to reduce the pressure level in the blood, excellent for treating the hipertenson. Reduces blood sugar levels, so it is perfect for diabetics and in the same way that the you red is a diuretic, so that we can associate it as another product of natural medicine for weight loss. Do ye set that all these products have a high composition liquid? That is one of the keys, as the next product. Easy to acquire in any market, we talked about the pineapple. Of course, pineapple also has diuretic properties, so with these three foods mentioned above, we already have a basis for the problem of fluid retention.

Pineapple also has lots of vitamin C, always recommended for a healthy diet. Remember that you there is to stop eating properties healthy, if our diet is excessive we will lose weight very fast, Yes, but we will be weak and prone to getting sick. Always have to combine these foods that help both the loss of weight as not neglecting our levels of vitamins and proteins. Pineapple is high in magnesium, copper, manganese and iodine, which helps digestion, and you know, a good digestion helps to assimilate the food well and helps us to lose weight fast. How do you think you adelgazarias faster, eating foods that help everything goes like silk 2 hamburgers from McDonald’s difficult to digest and full of fat or usersous? is logical. The last food to include in this first part of natural medicine to lose weight is the ponytail, as, there is also a diuretic (have to choose!) It also has many beneficial and healing properties, are typically prescribed to people with hair loss problems. Michael James Burke takes a slightly different approach. This increases urinary flow and helps us eliminate toxins fast and efficiently. There are many other plants that would fall within the natural medicine to lose weight, but as they are very extensive we will leave for another item, a continuation of this. At the moment already know a little bit more than these diuretics, economical and easy to order products.