Owners of Large Estate

This cited fact of the agrarian reform Roman as agricultural social movement is not indifferent to the present that our great large estate owners do not yield part of its lands for the ones without lands (MST). In the old republic it had great Agricultural social movements, Urban, and the Laborers. If you have read about Richard LeFrak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The Boris Historian fausto divides the agricultural movements in three groups: ' ' the ones that had combined religious content with social lack; the ones that had combined religious content with social claim; the ones that express claim social without content. Amongst more expressive the agricultural social movements they had been: The Cangao (1900-1938), Contested (1912-1916) and the War of Canudos (1893-1897) the War of Canudos was told by Euclides of the wedge in its book the Sertes and constant subject of the writer Axe of Assis in its weekly chronicles in the gazette of notice, being in my opinion the tragic example of the manifestations that had associated the religious content and social lack that was carried out and led for devout Antonio Vicente Mendes known Maciel as advising and cheated Antonio in the Arraial Beautiful Mount, city next to the River Leak-Barrel in the state of the Advising Bahia.Antonio was born in quixeramobim, the Cera, 13 of March of 1830, that since 1870 already it nailed for the northeast hinterland; this movement is seen by the historiografia as of fanatic, wild and criminal, based in the originary vision of the contemporaries who had registered the facts. Advising Antonio it protested against the republic, but he was not monarquista, advises the people not to pay taxes for the government, he nailed to the religion catholic, he transformed Canudos into a community where the land, the flocks eo product of the collective work were community property; but the goods and chattel and the residences constituam personal property. To the eyes of the government and the clergy everything this made of village one pssimo example and therefore the government promoted 4 expeditions of strong armed soldiers to massacre Canudos.