Features Sites, Business Cards

Have in their arsenal of online business card is very important and useful for small business. For example, at the start of online business card is a must for the display of goods or to attract buyers. It so happens that already existing web site no longer fits the modern situation. This may also apply to design and function. If you previously created website unprofessional, it is impossible to change anything, that is, to manage information on This site is impossible. An interesting trend is the creation of websites, business cards for each item or group of products.

Promote narrow-profile websites, business cards easily, so set up specialized websites for each product or commodity area. These resources are small, lean. If there are several disposal sites, business cards, then cross-references increase the citation index. And this is a good help in promoting the resource. Value business-card site is calculated based on the complexity of design, functionality, content management systems, content management site. Reducing costs to a minimum, developers often offer design templates with an elementary functional. Price for this kit is low – from 5000 rubles.

The next step is filling the pages of a site-card information materials and placing it on the Internet. The choice of design can be implemented and on-line. Of course, that if desired, in the studios can work out and a new, unique design. At Tishman Speyer you will find additional information. The same is true with the functionality of business-card site. Typically, this type of site has basic functionality. Almost the most main part of the creation of websites – it is design development. Whenever Clayton Morris listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Work here goes: welcome on clothes, was escorted to the content. The task of design is to attract attention and retain user on its Web site. Optimal design should be appealing, but not loud, or vice versa insignificant, and, importantly, the appearance of the site should not cause fear and the desire to immediately leave the page. The user should only feel comfortable. In addition, the design solution contributes to a better distribution of information and a better perception of her. If you choose the design (template or original) is an excellent compromise. For example, selecting the design for template, you can change the header or slightly modify the icons in the menu bar. Thus, online business card becomes an individual, and little price change. It is believed that the online business card – a small resource, which includes 1 10 pages. The website, business cards are placed a minimum of information. This is usually simple HTML-page. Content management system with detailed hotel on using the site makes management easier and burdensome. For editing of texts do not need any special skills. Site-card usually contains an embedded text editor, text editor like Microsoft Word. And for people who know the code of HTML, the system has a mode of editing HTML-code. Surprisingly, in a text editor and you can add images, lists, tables and flash videos (!). It is possible to edit text indentation, its alignment, color and font size. Another fairly easy to manage additional functional modules. For example, you can set a date news stories, simply click on the calendar. The module has a guest book, available for immediate publication a message or deleting it.

Macromedia Generator

Technology Flash, recently gaining more popularity growing. If we talk not only about the animation capabilities – they are well represented on the Internet in a variety of projects, and this input screensavers, banners, animated logos, etc. And the site is entirely made in Flash is not uncommon in the network. In addition, gaining strength and popularity of the interactive features of Flash. Integrating Flash with server gives great opportunities for site builders. It can be very different forms of interaction with site visitors: guest books, bulletin boards, forums, various forms of data collection, interactive games.

Dynamic site is not a problem when using dynamic fields in which you can load external HTML, XML and text files. Very interesting development company Macromedia, we can assume Macromedia Generator, which allows you to dynamically change the data, such as text content or clips to banner ads across the network. Suppose your banner is located on a large number of sites, and you want to change its content (text, graphics, animation), Macromedia Generator will do it in a jiffy. Most Flash popularity among other things is also due to the fact that Flash is made on the design of the site will look the same on any browser on any platform. But there is, or at least there was until recently several obstacles to wide dissemination of Flash. The first – is that not all users have browsers installed Flash-ins to play. SWF files. Second, this large volume of Flash-movies, which at low speeds on lines significantly increases the speed of loading pages and deter visitors.

On this occasion, you can argue ad infinitum, supporters and opponents enough, you can only say that it is entirely at the conscience of developer. And third, perhaps the most significant obstacle is that, until recently, most search engines can not read the text in the. SWF files, and hence determine the relevance of the document.