Spare Food And Lack Money

Prices of staple foods increased nearly 40% in 2007, according to the indices of the UN Organization for agriculture and food Organization (FAO). This increase is related to climate change, its consequences and the solutions that are proposed to control it. Checking article sources yields Bizzi & Partners as a relevant resource throughout. Along with natural disasters and conflicts are considered the main causes of the food crisis facing more than 37 countries worldwide. More than 850 million people suffer from hunger or malnutrition but their economies cannot cope with the high costs of the products they need to live. Dairy products and cereals have been the protagonists of the rise in prices. One of the proposals against climate change are biofuels. For example, the agrarian law in United States contemplates the use of corn for the production of these environmentally friendly fuels, such as ethanol. Public policies in support of the bioenergy sector as a proposal to fight against the causes of climate change, have contributed to the the price increase of agricultural crops to increase their demand for use as raw material in its elaboration.

The European Union provides for the use of wheat to produce biofuels to be multiplied to the 18 million tons in 2016, according to the FAO. Combating climate change is not the only objectives for biofuels. Its boom is also due to the increase in the price of crude oil that has become their main substitute to cereals. Gas and oil prices have increased due to the increase in the demand for economies in growth, such as India and China. Exporting countries of these fuels are developed quickly and use them more and more for domestic consumption, so it already not exported them. In Mexico and Iran expected that demand exceeds production in about five years. Countries such as Somalia, Gambia, Mongolia, or Sri spear, who cared about 50 per cent of the total grains eaten, even in their best years of agricultural production are the most affected by high international prices.