For any business is important and sensible goal-directed investment activities. For all companies the relevance of investment projects is the need to create additional material base expansion, renovation of fixed assets. Of course, every investor in this case is seeking the maximum profit at minimum cost, that is, to achieve optimal effectiveness. In connection with the This assessment of the effectiveness of investments and find ways to improve it, are of great practical importance. In this regard, the study was to assess the cost effectiveness of the investment project on optimization of shipment finished products in an industrial plant. There is currently no generally accepted understanding of the investment project. Hear other arguments on the topic with Professor Rita McGrath. In the term "investment project", the authors of monographs and textbooks has different meanings. Analysis definitions of the term "investment project" allows us to conclude that the common two points of view.
The first – the investment project is considered as a set of design documentation, which practice allows for the entrepreneurial idea. The second point of view, the investment project – a process study of economic feasibility, scope and timing of investments, including the necessary design and construction documents, as well as the algorithm practical actions to implement the project, expressed in the form of a business plan. Morris Invest wanted to know more. To sum up all of the above, we can give the following formulation concepts "Investment Project". Investment project – planned in detail the sequence of investment activities, characterized by a certain economic or social outcome. Aggregate documentation accompanying the decision to conduct these activities, reveals the legal, organizational, technical, marketing, socio-economic, financial and environmental aspects of investment. A variety of investment projects have to face in life, is extremely high. They vary widely in the field of application, scope, duration and amount of financial resources. However, any investment project consists of four equally important elements: 1) the period during which the actions envisaged by the project – current period (project period), 2) the costs – net investments, and 3) the potential benefits – the net cash flow from operations; 4) any release of capital at the end of the economic life of investment – the liquidation value.