Land Sites Market

The following are situations in which the assessment is mandatory: a transaction with one of the property, involving land in the deal, including their privatization, transfer in trust or of renting, determining the initial price of land at auction, land acquisition for public needs, the loan secured by real estate, making land in the charter capital companies, to determine the best and most efficient use of land, development and implementation of investment projects in other cases stipulated by law on appraisal activity. As a rule, to assess the land is to determine the market value of the property rights to land, or the market value of the right to lease (rent for the land). In account is taken, primarily, the expected value, duration and probability of profit from the exploitation of the land at its most efficient use (NEI), excluding income from other types of production. The market value of land in the first place, depends on the category of the site and its permitted use. There are the following legal regimes: for individual housing construction, for gardening, for farming, for camp sites and databases recreation, for the construction, under the parking lots, garages. After determining the legal status necessary to analyze the location and the influence of external factors, as well as on the demand and supply of land. Price not may exceed the most probable cost for the purchase of another site of equivalent utility. Assessment of land takes into account quantity and quality of communications and the possibility of acceding to existing networks, if on the land planned real estate development.