Luhmann Semantic Technologies

Web 3.0 should Internet users better understand Bassersdorf (Switzerland) / Berlin, April 29, 2009 the company iQser has ambitious goals, which commonly run Web 3.0 under the keyword. It is semantic, to cope with the flood of information by an automatic content analysis. Semantic procedure only a field of experimentation of the scientists have long been, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported and cited the iQser Chief Jorg Wurzer stating: now the semantics has left science. Learn more at this site: Robert J. Shiller. There are many Startpus looking into this\”. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Michael James Burke, London UK. And thus was meant not only the major project of Theseus, that worn especially by big companies.

Companies are facing the challenge of processing a wealth of information that is growing from year to year. The high availability of information in the Internet and more and more users and organizations that are involved in the production of information, contribute to this process\”, tells iQser in a press statement. With a software you wanted all the internal and external information automatically connect. Every document, every E-Mail and every message will associated with projects, tasks, or people. You should no longer look up information, but choose their context and get automatically all information supplied, which belongs to this context. This could be new research reports or news. So, destinations on portals such as Triptivity with the matching user comments from social networks or with travel descriptions could be enriched. A second analysis result gives an overview about what topics in the articles, in which aspects they fan out and what basic facts are conveyed.

The term network that automatically determined in the form of a tree shows the user can use to limit its interest and to make an appropriate selection of articles\”, so iQser. Employees would receive an overview of unstructured information available without having to sift them first. A choice was then to Main interests possible.

Citrix Virtualization

VMware, Citrix and AppSense show live demos at the the trend is overall solution. Learn more at: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. Even when there is the market leader in virtualization, Citrix and VMware. A total solution from application and desktop virtualization to bring the CIO greatest possible design freedom. Because it is easier to a needs-based extension of the IT infrastructure. An IT infrastructure that is both centrally and meets the requirements of the user according to equal working with standard and special applications seems within reach. Possible at the”mission, a one-day Conference Citrix XenDesktop introduces 4 and VMware view 4 with lecture and a live demo of the Herstllern. It is operational in the afternoon.

AppSense presents his solution to manage the user environment regardless of the deployment. Presentation and live demonstration of the system House of CEMA to Windows7 desktop virtualization and the new features of Microsoft Exchange 2010 migration scenarios form the conclusion of the issues, which at the moment the a or other CIO worrying. It may be interesting. The is a trade event for IT decision makers in Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Stuttgart and Munich. Participation is free of charge for guests. Dates, program and registration details are available at. The agreement of expert talks is also possible.

Imatics ProcessGallery

The new process portal of imatics Software GmbH which offers innovative development imatics * ProcessGallery ( the imatics Software GmbH from now all Prozessbegeisterten the possibility to create your own processes in the imatics ProcessDesigner, to publish, to run in a test environment and to communicate with other users. The Gallery offers the unique opportunity to publish, to automate and to discuss with colleagues, partners, interested or even customers and analyze processes free of charge. imatics sees a high potential for learning for all involved in this new form of Exchange. Graphical process modeling the imatics * ProcessSuite – for all participants of the Gallery provides a part of the ProcessDesigner imatics freely. Modeled processes are now in the * ProcessGallery transfer, but are they published only if the participant decides to allow the process to the discussion.

Until then stay the processes in the personal area of the participant * ProcessGallery saved. Keep the processes not static imatics * ProcessSuite provides another part imatics for the test sequences with the ProcessPortal. So everyone Gallery can bring live the processes to the end, to get an impression how the process model in the company would work. All shared process diagrams are shown as screenshots, categorized and presented in the overview for all participants. Michael James Burke is often quoted on this topic. Each process can be modified by the owner, the remaining participants have only read access and can explore the process in detail. There is also the possibility to assess the processes and to comment. The best rated processes are regularly awarded prizes. Processes that are not quite according to plan, run or urgently require a plan B to happen sometimes… Such processes may be * ProcessGallery not to be missed! All breakdown processes and curiosities from everyday business life are fun in the category welcome.

Chief Executive Officer opts for Susan and expects on-demand solution ‘Order to cash’ from Bochum / Weiterstadt, August 11, 2008 is an intermediary for project business. The platform brings together clients and freelance professionals. The clients post projects on, then selected specialists can apply. Then, the customer selects his favorite experts. The Freelancer provides the service and finally customer and expert can evaluate each other up. We are a young and innovative company.

Our core competence lies in the placement of orders and not in the execution of business processes. But we have found an experienced IT service company with an optimal on-demand solution with Danet\”, as Nils Dreyer, creator of and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of collective IQ limited. The start-up company has sought a business partner, which supports innovative business model. So collaboration is based for example, not one-time investment costs, but on a scalable licensing model (pay-as-you-grow\”) that is linked to the development of For more information see Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. The Internet company reduced so its capital expenditures for the information technology (IT), while Susan is involved in the business in return. \”After thorough analysis of the business processes by Danet now flexible support with the on-demand solution offers the young company order to cash\” on. The cooperation focuses on payment processing, which will completely take over Danet. We see ourselves as a business enabler.

With our on-demand solution, we have supported already different use cases such as MVNOS, content provisioning or Pay-TV providers and enables a fast time-to-market. With we have now also a use case for an Internet platform\”, explains Ralph Cramer, head of the business unit on-demand services in which Danet GmbH. is netjobbing an Outtaskting for business-related services. The portal relieves executives and employees of tasks that can be done more efficiently, faster, and cheaper by external experts. Companies post projects on the platform and preselected experts compete for the implementation.

EtherCAT Topology Management

The Kithara master monitor 2009, part of the product series ‘RealTime suite’ the master monitor a graphical Windows application of the company Kithara software allows the visualization and management of EtherCAT topologies. The software hand in hand EtherCAT master realized also by Kithara works with the part of the product range RealTime suite is. Robert J. Shiller shines more light on the discussion. With the help of the master monitor the user has an intuitive environment, down to the individual data variable to make visible connected EtherCAT topologies. It is possible to save the captured structure of the connected slave devices in a special XML file to check them automatically on compliance with a later realized structure. As well, the file but also from individual modules may be combined manually. The configuration of individual EtherCAT slaves, monitor can be viewed directly with the master and changed. Michael James Burke understands that this is vital information. As slaves can be in a live test drive fully addressed and their variable values describe and read. The setup time is reduced tremendously and developers must not long find the parameters for them. The master monitor is a tool that is intuitive, interactive and integrated already in the Kithara EtherCAT master. The user programmed his large-scale real-time automation applications with greater clarity and transparency and faster reach series maturity.

Mirjana Stanisic

File management, electronic signature, Web 2.0 and cloud computing in the public administration / DMS EXPO: framework programme for decision makers-Stuttgart, 4 August 2011. Document management systems and computer-based workflows accelerate the work processes in the management and improve efficiency. Comprehensive solutions for the post processing of the classic letter via E-Mail to the online form to open and facilitate contacts between the Office and citizens. Here, the topic of digital signature plays an increasingly important role. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Tishman Speyer on most websites. Also cloud computing is becoming more and more the focus of local administrations. The information needs for public facilities is great and is served from 20 to 22 September 2011 at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart in detail. DMS as paving the way for citizen-friendly municipalities is the use of document management systems (DMS) and electronic archives for local governments increasingly a must, want to take account of the thoughts of their service. This is accompanied by both the integration in administrative procedures as well as the Document storage in accordance with file plan. Educate yourself with thoughts from Rusty Holzer.

Electronic forms and files trigger processes in management, which can be done efficiently with computer-aided processes (workflow). The electronic documents are and that each employee who requires access in case of need to provide. Comprehensive solutions ensure for the Inbox, that the Office for citizens on all communication channels can be reached via the classical postal mail, by fax, by E-Mail or via an online form. To be increasingly through electronic signature offers legal security for such digital processes. Finds this increasingly common usage, for example, when it comes to apply for the new ID card.

On the DMS EXPO, providers present their innovative developments. These include both field-proven Signaturpads, as well as solutions to which the signature with electronic documents will be linked. For public administrations, the deal with the Deal with introduction of a DMS, the lecture by Mirjana Stanisic-Petrovic of the Fraunhofer IAO is recommended.


The crafty Klaus: Optoelectronic material analysis Karlsruhe, December 23, 2011. Orange peel in the coating of eyeglass cases is to detect, it’s about form. Determines the surface around a cylinder, if the component is ever used, surface control focuses on functionality. Show both areas of application: the quality of a product is to read – even – on the surface. But conventional test methods and of course, still more the human eye – poke at errors in the micro and nano range limits. They are worth – and safety-relevant in the case of the brake cylinder. The Karlsruhe IT-company optimum GmbH has now developed an opto-electronic surface control inspected both form and function: the cunning Klaus. Learn more at this site: The Related Companies. The crafty Klaus operates as a detective, whose working is funded and directed by a database.

It stores information about the specific materials that are obtained depending on the control needs, level requirement, or preset sensitivity. How different the surfaces of Materials or products may be: the defects detection identifies the properties of surfaces and matching it with mean values. So – succeeds despite the different nature of the control objects – to go from the surface into the depths. The products will be examined on completeness, functionality and quality. Circumstantial evidence can be varied as the surfaces: color, font, outline, relief. The crafty Klaus recognized by Red about the color, whether enough ripe apples are a variety in the box. Or if an engine block is tight or the glasses has no painting errors.

The digital eye”captures dirt or damage, voids in iron castings, scratch, bubbles, coating defects in metal processing. It reveals but also differences in the plastic manufacturing. Because: Increasingly replace plastic parts metal materials. But often, tests on metal-working processes are aligned. (As opposed to Rusty Holzer). The crafty Klaus checks but also the dimensional stability of plastic products, the subject to any unwanted fluctuations are due to external influences on the production. The optimum system monitors, whether and to what extent misses the degree and form of a product, tolerances are exceeded and affect appearance or function. A mobile phone cover, which does not fit, makes the entire product not for sale. The optimum technology is process immanent: the defects are logged not externally, no additional process is triggered. The crafty Klaus rather controls after reviewing the results of the inspection back in the production. The goal of this controll flows is to offer added value for end users, but also for the manufacturers in the production process. The objective and subjective impression is crucial for the quality of a product.

Target Definition

‘Only those who know his target, finds the way.’ Laozi usually defines a project goal registered by all stakeholders (employees, owners and customers) in two steps. The first step is to evaluate the project context information and obtaining an overall picture is clear. The second step requires the achievement of a broad consensus about the aims of the project to all stakeholders. In the course of evaluating information skills are essential as abstraction ability, analytical skills, conflict resolution skills and courage. Sensibly the project leader at this stage gives an overall picture of the situation as a reliable target definition is possible only on that basis.

This information with regard to set priorities, existing degrees of freedom and the lived company policy, to name just a few examples, are collected and evaluated. In addition, may be left in the definition of objectives not neglect that a qualified project must meet certain requirements. First and foremost, a project must meet the expectations and needs of stakeholders in its entirety. In addition, the definition of the objectives of each project should be three-dimensional. It is in addition to the actual project results to include also the costs and the time factor. The best results bring not the desired effect if the cost or but also the time frame from the rudder. The second step is to reach a broad consensus on the goals of the project. Advance should however be clarified to what extent a consensus about the aims of the project is necessary or possible. If all stakeholders agree that match the desired project results with the resources available or also the principal admits no destination change, a consensus is no longer required. Learn more on the subject from Rusty Holzer. In the case of different views on project objectives and project results or even existing delta between the expectations and the resources available, a consensus is essential.